Less dense and generally better suited for low naturalized sites, Little Bighorn American Sheep Fescue is different than most Fine Fescues. Little Bighorn is a bunchgrass that does well in shaded areas and will not form a dense, sod-forming turf but will provide compact plants with upright foliage. It does well as a nurse crop with native grasses and wildflowers. For more naturalized areas, Little Bighorn has low fertilizer and water input requirements where traffic will be minimal. To manage and suppress seed heads, mowing during the seed head extension period (mid-May to mid-June) is often the only mowing required. During the spring growth period, this Sheep Fescue variety has a slight bluish cast. Little Bighorn also requires low seeding rates compared to other turf grasses. Purity %: 97.86, Crop %: 0.00, Weed %: 0.01, Germ %: 97.00