How To Plant Grass Seed On Existing Lawn
June 30, 2022

How To Plant Grass Seed On Existing Lawn

By Jordana Bruccoleri

Planting grass seed means maximizing the space and turning it into a magically refreshing spot by increasing the amount of green space surrounding the home. If your lawn is starting to look a little drab, you can indeed start planting grass seeds to rejuvenate it. But you might wonder how to go about it. So, read this article to learn completely about the process of how to plant grass seed on existing lawn. 

Wet Grass

A wide variety of different species of grass cover today's lawns, each with its own texture, maintenance needs, and advantages.

Moreover, depending on specific regions, one type of grass is far more likely to grow than another. Cool-season grass like Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and bluegrass thrives in northern latitudes, whereas warm-season grasses like St. Augustine and zoysia thrive in southern temperatures. A grass variety that is suggested for one region of the country might be discouraged from being used in another.

Despite the type of grass, there are the basic steps one should follow to plant grass seen in their existing lawn.

Here Are The Steps You Should Follow To Plant Grass Seed On Existing Lawn -

Step 1: Prior to Overseeding 

Before you sow grass seeds, you should always first examine the lawn for any issues like patches forming on them. Then, think about what might be creating the bare or thin spots that usually occur on your lawn. It's one thing to have dry or thin places owing to the daily challenges of the expectations imposed on your grass. But it's an altogether different thing to detect bare, brown, or unhealthy patches caused by other issues like soil compaction, low sunlight, a fungal infestation, excess thatch, poor soil condition, or poor drainage. 

But know that if the issue is not properly detected and addressed, you may notice even more bare or thin places. 

It is also critical to think about the sorts of grass seed you will be using. Sowing grass seed that would not thrive in your area can leave you unsatisfied. Pick grasses that are native to your region or perhaps have a track record of success. There are cool-season grasses as well as warm-season grasses, which are dependent on the weather of the region. The different types of grasses have their own set of limitations, such as altitude, soil composition, climate, and so on. 

A little detective work can help you avoid the headaches that will definitely result from selecting the incorrect variety of grass seed for your region. 

Step 2: Prep the lawn

It is critical to adequately prepare the space before overseeding your grass. This involves deep watering, mowing, collecting clippings, and raking. Set your lawnmower to the lowest setting whenever mowing your lawn. In order to grow, the grass seed must come into direct contact with the ground, which it cannot accomplish if your grass is too long. Remove the cuttings and loosen the soil with a rake.

Aerating compacted soils is also necessary to guarantee optimum oxygen and nutrient flow. In the spring, several homeowners hire professional aeration and overseeding services to start their grass-growing process in the right direction. Aerating is a two-step technique that primes the soil while also depositing a blanket of grass seed with good seed-to-soil contact. 

To aerate the soil on your own, use the proper aeration instrument, such as a plug or spike aerator. To allow adequate water, air, and nutrient flow, your DIY aeration device should eliminate soil plugs that are 2 to 3 inches deep, 0.5 to 0.75 inches in diameter, and 2 to 3 inches apart. If fertilizer is not coupled with your grass seed, you need to apply a starter fertilizer that is strong in phosphorus in order to prepare the overseeding area using core aeration. 

Step 3: Sow the Seed

Spread the new grass seedlings of your choice on your lawn. This can either be done using your hand or with a spreader on your lawn's selected regions. However, always read the grass seed packaging for instructions on how to use the appropriate spreader mode for the grass seed type before getting into the process of spreading grass seed. With a leaf sift, gently rake the new grass seed into the soil.

Step 4: Water

Watering Grass

Water your lawn well after you've sown the grass seed. Keep watering your lawn sparingly – up to twice per day. The seedlings typically sprout in 10 to 14 days; until then, moisten the top 1-inch of soil. Use less water after seed germination, but allow the water to penetrate deeper into the soil to foster deep root development.

Maintaining Your Lawn After Seeding

It is not enough to simply plant the seeds; maintaining them after planting is the key to lush grass and consequently a healthy lawn. You can start by investing in lawn care products and by mowing regularly after your new grass areas approach the height of your current grass areas. I

t is also critical to develop a health care routine for your emerging new grasses. A fundamental step that many homeowners take and that can make a significant impact on the life and health of your yard is regular fertilizer and weed management. Aside from that, here are some pointers for caring for your grass after seeding.

Water the lawn each and every day.

The most important stage in effectively planting grass seed is to maintain the lawn moisture at all times. This is critical to the procedure. The seed will perish if it dries up. Following sowing of the grass seed, the seed will require continual and frequent watering, as opposed to growing grass, which requires water thoroughly and less often. This will assist the seed is germinating and developing its root system for healthy grass.

Overwatering, on the other hand, will also impede germination, so employ just about enough water to help the soil retain enough moisture at seed depth. It should be wet but not soggy. You must commit to watering the new or overseeded lawn at least twice a day to maintain the top inch of soil moist at all times. Grass seed germinates between 5 to 30 days, depending on the cultivar and weather conditions.

Grass in City Park

Check moisture levels

Check your lawn's moisture on a pretty regular basis once the seedbed has begun to develop itself and seedlings have begun to emerge. If it becomes too dry, add some water.

Remember that these young grass seedlings have extremely small roots and will require constant watering to allow the roots to expand. All the initial steps will be rendered ineffective if the watering portion is not carried out properly, so your dedication is required for this.

After seeding a new lawn or simply filling up a bare place, start mowing your grass (probably for eight weeks or maybe until the grass has attained a mowing height)—no need to cut it too short or make it remain too long. More than one-third of the way through would be the perfect height. This is because maintaining the length of the grass is important for its full growth.

Now Let’s Look At The Benefits Of Growing Grass On Your Lawn

A lush lawn is not just a thing of beauty; it has other benefits as well, which are- 

It increases the value of your home.

Not just figuratively but a well-built lawn can add value to your home. A well-kept turfgrass delivers a 100 to 200 percent return on investment and can boost the market value of a home by 15% or more, as per The Lawn Institute. Additionally, an improvement in lawn appeal will attract the appropriate prospective buyer to your property if you decide to sell.

It lowers CO2 emissions

Grass captures greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and transforms them into oxygen, which is required for human, plant, as well as animal life to survive. The grass is far more effective at lowering CO2 emissions than native plants owing to its high leaf density as well as faster growth rate.

It helps in oxygen production

A typical grass of 750 square feet produces 0.710m3 of oxygen every day. This amount of oxygen can sustain 1.21 persons, counterbalance 174 kilometers of driving, and replace the work of 28.74 trees.

It contributes to soil erosion control

Small-scale soil erosion detracts from the appearance of a yard, and large-scale soil erosion is a growing environmental concern. Grass and grassroots can hold dirt in place. Turfgrass is recommended by scientists because it is more lasting than alternative treatments, it is significantly more cost-effective, and it produces measurable effects.

It enhances overall air quality

Grass enhances air quality by filtering out minute dirt as well as dust particles that otherwise would float in the air. Grass blades also catch smoke and other contaminants in the air. These tiny particles can be extremely irritating, causing inflamed eyes, respiratory problems, and allergies.

It enhances water quality

One significant advantage of using grass is that it enhances water quality by collecting pollutants such as dust as well as smoke and slowing runoff.

It promotes soil health

Good grass improves everything around it. Grass clippings as well as grassroots decompose and nourish the earth. Healthy grass generates oxygen along with organic materials for living organisms such as earthworms, ants, and grubs giving you a healthy lawn. It also ensures a comfortable habitat for important species such as fungi, bacteria, and microbes, which are all essential to a healthy as well as a balanced ecosystem. 


Lawns provide a purpose more than a refreshing appearance. Maintaining a lush, thick lawn is also beneficial to the environment. Lawn grass is scientifically proven to clean the air, trap carbon dioxide, minimize stormwater runoff erosion, improve the overall quality of the soil, reduce noise pollution, as well as lower temperatures. So, thinking seriously about planting, nurturing, and maintaining grass in your yard could actually be a great idea.